I guess almost everyone wonders if they could time travel. This is one place, not practically, which will make you feel like you were in a time you always wanted to be.
From the time you were in the hospital, being delivered by the doctors, you cry out loud, the first time you saw the world, the time your mother kissed your forehead, your first day of school, the first time your teacher punished you, you got into a tussle with a boy or girl in your class, your 10th Grade Farewell, your first day at college, the first time you fell in love, your first kiss, your first graduation ceremony, your first job and the many impediments that came into your life until today, the place where you stand, the time when you live in the present, exists. Try reliving your past to the best here, 'cause there is a moral in every simple incidence of your past. There is a whole new world BACK there if you observe!